13 May 2006

beginnings . . . somewhere after beginning

With the exception of the Test (which I decided to keep because it was a good ramble), this is where I begin . . . at least as far as blogging is concerned. To understand the title of this space, everything I'm going to be writing about, and who I am in general, you have to grasp that you are joining this journey somewhere after having begun, but hopefully not quite to the middle yet.

If I have to pick an origin point, it would be the typical American suburb. So typical, in fact, that we have studied my hometown on two different occasions in my undergrad and graduate studies in architecture and planning. Good
relationships and good times, but suburbia wasn't it for me. As soon as I got the chance, I headed for a real city. Atlanta became home.

This started my addiction for travel, exploring, adventure, etc. A couple of years later, I found myself living in Paris studying architecture
e for the year. Of course, I explored pretty much all of Western Europe while I was at it.

After my time in Europe concluded, I moved back to Atlanta to work for about a year before moving to Miami. I have really enjoyed my time here - mainly for the people that I have met and for the doors that have been opened. I leave for Japan/China in less than 30 hours and will be in Rome for the Fall.

Each city has been a pause along the way. I have learned so much from the people
I have encountered and through the different situations that I've been put in. Paired with all of this traveling and "life experience" has been a real spiritual growth. What I allude to in the subtitle of this space is not just the changing of my own world view but my actions changing that of others as well. The more I travel, the more facets of God's character I see, the more humble I am at my role in His story and on Earth in general. I want to help others see this as well - both at home (where ever that might be at the time) and while I'm abroad. I want to liberate people from themselves.

I think the wisest trick the Devil every played on us is giving us mirrors. As soon as we could see ourselves, we developed a sense of self. Before that, people saw themselves as a part of something bigger - whether it was a kingdom, tribe, or just a family. The focus was not inward, but outward. We've turned this outside-in and forgotten everyone around us - and trust me, I'm not referring to society alone. I will gladly throw the modern Church in the ring as well. Quite often, it happens to be more guilty of it than society, but that's another blog.

So from here on, there's going to be a lot of descriptions of travels and sights, but hopefully you'll see the experiment going on within me and the evidence of it beyond me.

11 May 2006


This is something I never thought I'd do. I disagree with blogging in general. I find it egotistical to think that someone would randomly want to read about my life. This is also a completely isolationistic technology that keeps me behind a computer instead of actually interacting with people face to face or at the very least calling them. However, this seems like a great way to let people know what is going on with me during my travels without filling their inboxes with my rhetoric. It allows everyone to decide their own level of interest an involvement, I guess.

I think the one thing that is weighing on me about starting this is that I'm afraid that it's going to replace my journal. I'm somewhat old fashioned and like the written word. As much of a perfectionist as I am, I even like it when I screw up and have to mark through something and start over. There is character and gravity to something that you can touch, hold, smell, and pass from one hand to another. The sterility of this machine with its clicks and clacks and constant fan noise perturbs me to no end. These are personal problems (some of you would problem classify them as character flaws) that I'll deal with as we progress. I'll write the beginnings tomorrow when I need a break from packing.