Experiments in Worldview Deconstruction : : :
this space is devoted to my travels and experiences within a collapsing world where 6 billion people are running out of space but still insist on living only for themselves
13 April 2007
a proud uncle :)
My sisters took these pictures over Easter. I decided that I'd share the two cutest kids in the entire world with everyone :) I was kind of tired of there not being any color on here.
I'm not even out of grad school yet (3 more weeks) and I want a recess, but thesis is completely different from the real world. Time has really flown though . . .
Oh wow! They look so old!
Where does the time go?!?!
I swear, it doesn't feel like I'm 26 years old and well into a career.
I'm ready for recess. Time to play.
I'm not even out of grad school yet (3 more weeks) and I want a recess, but thesis is completely different from the real world. Time has really flown though . . .
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